123 |
Roads of Inter-state or Economic Importance |
123 |
Roads of Inter-state or Economic Importance |
124 |
Union Territories & Other Centrally controlled road works, Tribal Roads, Strategic Roads |
124.1 |
Centrally controlled works |
124.2 |
Union Territories |
124.3 |
Roads in Tribal Areas |
124.4 |
Strategic Roads |
130 |
Tenders, Contracts and Arbitration |
1300 |
Materials |
1310 |
Cement |
1320 |
Steel |
1330 |
New Material |
140 |
N.H. Land Control |
1400 |
Form Work |
141 |
Land Acquisition |
142 |
NH Property, Inspection Bungalows, Status, Access Control |
143 |
Urban Links, Bypasses, Parallel Service Roads, Barriers |
143.1 |
Urban Links |
143.2 |
Byepasses and parallel Service Roads |
143.2 |
Bypasses and Parallel Service Roads |
143.3 |
Barriers |
143.3 |
Barriers |
144 |
Ribbon Development, Encroachments and Eviction |
145 |
Utility Services and Canal Crossings |
150 |
Level Crossings and Over/Under Bridges |